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Xin Ye

Ph.D. Student
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ohio University

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Learning to Rank Relevant Files for Bug Reports using Domain Knowledge

  • We developed a ranking model to recommend source code files to fix for a bug report.
  • The ranking model is a weighted combination of multiple features that every feature is a unique type of information measuring the relevance between a source file and the bug report.
  • The weight parameters of our ranking model is trained automatically using a learning-to-rank technique.
  • Through evaluations on six large-scale open source Java projects, our model achieved significantly better results than the state-of-the-art approaches.
  • Languages used in this project: Java, Python, SQL
  • Tools/Libraries used in this project: Git, Bugzilla, MySQL, JDT ASTParser, Apache Tika, Beautiful Soup, NLTK, JUNG, SVM^rank
  • Algorithms used in this project: VSM, SVM^rank, PageRank, HITS
  • [Paper] [Slides]

Virtual Boat for Environmental Education

  • We developed a 3-D virtual boat (VB) game running on iPad devices for a NSF GK-12 project to assist high school teaching in Ohio.
  • Our VB game contains multiple scenarios in which each scenario corresponds to a dedicated lesson plan designed by a NSF GK-12 fellow.
  • Our VB game and the corresponding lesson plans have been using in the classrooms of 9 high schools in Ohio.
  • Languages used in this project: Javascript, C#
  • Software used in this project: Unity, Xcode, Google SketchUp, Autodesk Maya
  • [Website] [Youtube]

The Winkler Method on iPad

  • We developed a 3-D mobile chemical experiment game for high school education.
  • The game mimics the classic Winkler Method that was used to detect dissolved oxygen in water.
  • Languages used in this project: Javascript
  • Software used in this project: Unity, Xcode, Google SketchUp

TeamWATCH: A 3-D Visualization Tool for Reviewing Software Repository

  • We developed an interactive 3-D visualization tool for visualizing software projects’ version control repository.
  • In the visualization, a source code file is represented as a set of cylinders in which a small cylinder refers to a specific revision of this file.
  • Different colours of the cylinders refer to different developers/authors who contributed to the specific revisions.
  • Languages used in this project: Javascript, php, C#
  • Software/Tools used in this project: Unity, Eclipse, SVN
  • [Paper] [Youtube]

An OU Web Search Engine

  • I developed a search engine for searching websites within the domain and other websites related to Ohio University (OU).
  • I used Apache Nutch to crawl 117,620 web pages based on 10 OU websites as the seeds.
  • I used Apache Solr to index these 117,620 pages.
  • I built a search engine as a servlet running under Apache Tomcat. The servlet uses Apache Lucene libraries to search web pages within the index created by Solr.
  • This search engine supports VSM, BM25, and the Smoothed Unigram Language Model. It also uses anchor text for searching.
  • Languages used in this project: Java, HTML
  • Tools/Libraries used in this project: Apache Nutch, Solr, Lucene, Tomcat, Servlet
  • Algorithms used in this project: VSM, BM25, Smoothed Unigram Language Model
  • [Demo] [Report]

Fast Face Detection with Small Training Dataset

  • I developed a face detection program to automatically detect human faces from static images.
  • This program applies Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to create an eigenface subspace from the training images.
  • A training or a testing image can be represented as a weighted combination of the eigenfaces.
  • Therefore, an image can be represented by its weight vector in a lower dimension.
  • If the euclidean distance between the weight vector of a testing image and the weight vector of a human face image is below a threshold, then face detected.
  • Languages used in this project: C++
  • Tools/Libraries used in this project: OpenCV (compiled on Solaris)
  • Algorithms used in this project: PCA
  • [Report]

A Stock Exchange Application on iOS

  • We developed an iOS stock exchange application that can be launched on iPhone and iPad.
  • Users buy and sell stocks with virtual cash to compete for the most profitable day trader in the app.
  • The app fullfiled the user requirements from 5 wide, LLC in Cincinnati.
  • The app was developed by a small team with 4 developers that used SVN for version control and Redmine for issue tracking.
  • Languages used in this project: Object-C (font-end), PHP (back-end), HTML (back-end), SQL (back-end)
  • Tools/Libraries used in this project: Xcode, iOS 4.3 SDK, MySQL, Apache Webserver
  • Version Control: Subversion
  • Issue Tracking: Redmine
  • Memberships: iOS Developer University Program – Ohio University (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
  • [Youtube] [Report]

An IPv6 Router

  • I developed an IPv6 router.
  • It responses to ICMP Echo request, UDP Echo, ND request, Router Advertisement, RIPng advertisement, ICMP error message, time exceed, and udp port unreachable.
  • It supports ARP table, routing table, and routing queues.
  • I used both the Times 33 and the Times 31 algorithm for double hashing to avoid hash collisions.
  • I used multi-threads in this project.
  • Languages used in this project: C++
  • Libraries used in this project: POSIX Threads

Booting Linux with U-Boot on PowerPC on a FPGA-DSP-based Digital Signal Processing Board

  • I modified and ran U-Boot on IBM PowerPC that was integrated within the Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA on a digital signal processing board.
  • For debugging, I used U-Boot to load MontaVista Linux kernel and ramdisk image through TFTP.
  • For stable release, I used U-Boot to burn itself, the MontaVista Linux kernel, and the JFFS2 filesystem to a NAND flash device on the board.
  • Languages used in this project: C
  • Tools used in this project: U-Boot, MontaVista Linux